Gant Law Helps Create New Case Law — Greeley's Probate, Estate, and Family Law Lawyers and Attorneys | Gant Law
Gant Law is Greeley's premier probate, estate, family law, and criminal defense attorney serving Greeley, Windsor, Fort Collins, Loveland and throughout all of Colorado | 970-368-3687 to schedule a consultation.

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Gant Law Helps Create New Case Law

Gant Law is pleased to have contributed to the Colorado Supreme Court's recent decision in the Matter of the Estate of Ashworth, along with co-counsel Sharlene Aitken of Aitken Law, LLC. The Court's holding adds clarity and legal authority to a practice that has been long-recognized in Colorado: the limited disclosure of certain medical records in cases where a party has a reasonable belief that their deceased loved one was unduly influenced or lacked capacity to make a change to their estate plan before they passed. We feel this holding will better safeguard many of our most vulnerable community members, including those with compromised mental capacity, by making it more difficult for third parties to exploit them without recourse.

Read the full Colorado Supreme Court Opinion here: