Family Law
Wisdom. Honor. Tenacity.
Who will get custody of my kids if I file for divorce? Do I have to split my retirement? What do I do if my ex won’t follow our parenting plan? I’m separating from my significant other and we aren’t married; how do we split up our property?
The only constant is change. But sometimes that change feels overwhelming, especially when it involves your livelihood and your family. Families are complicated, and so are family issues in the law. We understand the significant decisions you’ll have to make in a family law matter, and we are here to guide you through the legal system on solid ground when it feels like everything is in flux.
From a simple divorce to a high-asset, inter-familial contract dispute, we can give you the information you need to understand your options and likely outcomes. Some of the issues we can help with are:
Alimony (Maintenance)
Child Custody
Child Support
Cohabitation Agreements
Common-Law Marriage
Debt Division (Married or Unmarried)
Decision Making
Domestic Violence
Estate Plan Updates
Inter-Familial Contracts
Maintenance (Alimony)
Modifications of Parenting Time, Child Support, or Other Orders
Parenting Time
Protection Orders
Property Division (Married or Unmarried)
Separation Agreements
Success Stories
Please note that every case is unique, and results will vary based on many different factors.
Our client was being accused by an ex-spouse of poor parenting–even rising to claims of neglect and enabling–for a special-needs child. The accusatory ex-spouse was a decorated professional with an educational background that appeared on its face to be well-suited to the special-needs child’s struggles. However, that ex-spouse was also prone to skepticism, anger, and aggression with our client……
Our client had amassed several properties and a large amount of wealth over many years of hard work. Our client and their spouse had always prioritized a one-working-parent household. This meant that arranging for an equitable split of assets and placing both parents on good footing for the future would require a longer-term strategy and phased division. With both spouses’ reasonable and professional attitudes, we were able to avoid …..
For years, our client was extremely patient and forgiving of a spouse who struggled greatly with mental health and substance abuse issues. But when the issues began directly affecting the children, it was time to split. We successfully guided our client to a resolution that put full parental rights and custody in our client’s favor and that minimized maintenance while still allowing our client to keep …..
Our client had experienced massive trauma from their ex-spouse, and now our client’s child was in the care of abusive grandparents. Because of our client’s resolve and strength, we were able to successfully remove the child from the grandparents and place the child back in our client’s care.
Client's ex refused to reveal income, refused to pay her portion of taxes to client, and stole client's phone. Through a contested hearing, we were able to impute her income, were awarded child support, and were awarded costs for her contempt of court. Court also granted our request for a mental health evaluation.
While many cases are hotly contested, some are best suited for settlement. Through a collaborative effort with opposing counsel and parties, we were able to reach a full, mutually-beneficial agreement without the need for litigation or even formal mediation.
Client's spouse claimed valid postnuptial agreement was obtained by duress. Through investigation, thorough review of case law, and firm settlement demands, we reached a settlement that was highly beneficial to our client and which retained the crux of the postnuptial agreements.
Ex was hiding multiple major assets from Client and engaging in multiple coercive acts of domestic violence. Through firm negotiations and investigation, we were able to uncover a $38,000 asset which the es attempted to hide, and in so doing, we were able to negotiate a full and fair resolution of the matter.
Our client and his partner had reconciled but had not updated their child support order. We were able to successfully prove to the court that there had been a mutually-agreed-upon change in primary care, allowing us to legally negate child support payments for the previous year, which resulted in $0 in arrears for our client.
Client’s ex made speculative accusations that got our client’s parenting time restricted. By taking immediate, proactive steps to remedy the situation, we were able to help our client get parenting time restored even before the very first restriction review date.
Client’s spouse was hiding assets and increasing debt unilaterally. Through a negotiated agreement, we were able to successfully reduce spouse’s share of marital assets and waive alimony on account of these behaviors.
Client’s ex refused to allow child to participate in extracurricular activities, and the previous parenting plan had no provision for the same. Through mediation, we were able to reach a full agreement that remedied this loop-hole in the previous parenting plan.
Client and spouse had a complex property distribution matter. Through a negotiated settlement, we were able to reach a full agreement, but spouse continually attempted to change the provisions of the same. Through persistence and vigilance, we were able to prevent each said attempt and finally resolve the matter with a partial award of attorney fees on top of the negotiated agreement.
Client and ex were involved in high-conflict post-decree dispute. Our client wanted 50/50 parenting time while ex wanted our client to have only 1-2 overnights per week. With the help of a great Child and Family Investigator, and through a negotiated settlement, we were able to secure 50/50 parenting time for our client.
Father of child suffered from substance abuse issues. Through a contested hearing, we were able to restrict Father’s parenting time while he seeks treatment. Through settlement negotiations, we also reached a full agreement for when the restriction is lifted, saving the parties significant costs on attorney fees and court expenses.
Father was extremely abusive and controlling to both our client and their shared children. Through a Child and Family Investigator and a contested hearing, we were able to secure nearly full custody to our client and paternal grandmother, ensuring that Father’s parenting time was wholly supervised at all times.
Client’s ex suffered from unaddressed mental health and substance abuse issues that greatly affected her ability to safely parent. Through mediation, we were able to secure almost full custody for our client and ensure that his ex’s parenting time was properly supervised.
Mother of children made accusations against our client and prevented our client from having parenting time. Through investigation, we learned Mother had moved many miles away without our client’s knowledge and was placing the children in questionable circumstances. On account of this investigation, we were able to reach a full settlement agreement that provided a safe environment for the children and equal parenting time for both parents.
Client’s teenage child was suffering from severe mental health concerns triggered by visitations with Father, but Father refused any change to parenting time. Through a contested hearing and professional evaluation, we were able to reach a resolution that restricted Father’s parenting time until the child could work through the health concerns in a safe and appropriate way.
Client’s significant other got her name on client’s house, opened several credit cards in client’s name, and then got client arrested based on a false accusation such that client’s parenting time was significantly hindered. We got the criminal case dismissed, got significant other’s name off the house, and helped our client restore his parenting time.
Client’s ex accused him of inappropriately disciplining their children and motioned the court to remove his parenting time. Through a contested hearing, we were able to defeat the motion, and our client’s parenting time was not restricted.
Client was concerned about having to pay alimony for many years as well as having to drain retirement accounts. Through a negotiated settlement, we were able to reach an agreement whereby spouse waived alimony in exchange for the lump-sum payment from retirement.
Client’s spouse was abusive and controlling. Client had concerns regarding the return of her dog as well as receiving her fair allocation of equity in the marital home. Through mediation, we were able to secure an agreement where our client retained her dog and more than her goal allocation of equity from the marital home.
Father of child had serious substance abuse issues but would not voluntarily reduce his parenting time or be honest with our client about his issues. Through investigation and a contested hearing, we were able to prove Father had substance abuse issues and restrict his parenting time while he obtained treatment.
Father of child had extreme anger issues. Through a contested hearing, we were able to secure full custody for our client as Father sought treatment for his issues. Later, through mediation, we were able to create a multi-phase parenting plan that provided more parenting time to Father only as time passed and as he continued to show that he could be safe around the child.
Family Law articles