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Understanding the differences between PER STIRPES, BY REPRESENTATION, and PER CAPITA for Your Estate Plan


Embarking on the journey of estate planning in Colorado is a crucial step towards securing the financial future of your loved ones. In this process, you'll likely encounter terms such as PER STIRPES, BY REPRESENTATION, and PER CAPITA, each playing a vital role in how your assets are distributed among heirs. As you consider these options, it's essential to understand the nuances and implications they carry within the framework of Colorado law. This blog post aims to shed light on the differences between these distribution methods and help you make informed decisions tailored to your unique family dynamics.

PER STIRPES: Preserving Family Branches

PER STIRPES, or "by roots," is a distribution method that emphasizes family lines. In Colorado, if a primary beneficiary predeceases you, their share is passed down to their descendants, ensuring each branch of your family tree receives a fair share. For example, if you have three children, and one predeceases you, their share would be divided equally among their children (your grandchildren).

Consider PER STIRPES if you want to maintain balance among your family branches and ensure that descendants of predeceased beneficiaries are not overlooked.

BY REPRESENTATION: Fairness Across Branches

BY REPRESENTATION, often referred to as "per stirpes with representation," is similar to PER STIRPES but takes into account the number of living descendants in each branch. In Colorado, if a primary beneficiary is no longer alive, their share is divided equally among their living descendants. This method ensures fairness among your surviving beneficiaries, irrespective of the number of descendants in each family branch.

Choose BY REPRESENTATION if you want to consider the number of living descendants in each branch, promoting an equitable distribution among your heirs.

PER CAPITA: Equality Across Individuals

PER CAPITA, or "by the head," distributes your estate equally among living beneficiaries without considering family lines. In Colorado, if a primary beneficiary is deceased, their share is divided equally among the remaining living beneficiaries. This method ensures simplicity and equality among your surviving heirs, regardless of their relationship or family branch.

Choose PER CAPITA if your goal is to distribute your assets equally among your living beneficiaries, regardless of family structure.

Navigating the intricacies of PER STIRPES, BY REPRESENTATION, and PER CAPITA is crucial for creating an estate plan that aligns with your wishes. Consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney in Colorado can provide invaluable insights into the implications of each method, helping you make decisions that best suit your family dynamics and financial goals. As you embark on this journey, remember that a well-informed approach ensures the enduring financial well-being of your loved ones.